Using a Business Accounting Degree on Mission
Before Williamson graduated from Grace in May of 2010, CapinCrouse, the company her older sister worked for, recruited her. The firm, which has offices from coast to coast, told her that she could select any location of her choosing. If she was anything like her sister, they wanted her on their team.
Williamson started at the Colorado Springs office as an Audit Staff.
“The biggest thing that drew me to Capin is that while it’s a national firm with a lot of resources and a lot of high-quality individuals who know their stuff, it’s very specialized in that we only help nonprofit organizations, and 98% of them are faith-based,” Williamson said.
And that is also what keeps Williamson there. Eleven years later, she’s a partner of the firm and as passionate as ever about the chance to come alongside mission-oriented organizations.
“A lot of times when it comes to ministries, the support teams, including the accounting function, are not on the front lines and can be easily overlooked, but they are just as meaningful to fulfilling the organization’s mission,” said Williamson. “So being able to provide support and guidance makes the job even more meaningful. That is one of the reasons that I love doing what I’m doing.”
Another reason is Williamson’s like-minded co-workers.
“I love getting to work with people of similar mindsets. We care about what our clients are doing and the impact that they are having. We share those same priorities, so the relationships we share are to a higher degree. One of the CFOs of an organization I’ve worked with for many years even came to my wedding,” she said.
A number of other Grace graduates have seen the kingdom work being done at CapinCrouse and have chosen to work there as well. But Williamson is quick to say there is no “right way” to use a business accounting degree for Christ. Whether it be through intentional excellence working at a public accounting firm, a business, or a ministry organization, all accountants can approach their job in missional ways.
“You may not be a frontline worker, but that does not mean that the value you are adding and the benefit you are bringing to a ministry or a company is any less,” says Williamson. “There are always opportunities to use the skill sets and gifts that God has given you in a very direct way to further His Kingdom.”
You could be among the next generation of accountants who are using a business accounting degree to advance meaningful missions. Apply today.