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Take the next step with an online master's degree in business administration. Gain the knowledge and skills needed for senior-level positions
August 27, 2024

Ally’s and Anna’s Experiences with Grace’s Online Master’s Degree in Business Administration

What is an online master’s degree in business administration?

An online master’s degree in business administration is a degree that trains current and future business professionals. Business policy, management, legal environments, and risk assessment are just a few key learning topics the program covers. At Grace College, MBA students learn from a biblical perspective and experience what it means to integrate their faith into their studies and workplace. Ally Hiles and Anna Porritt are two Grace students currently working toward their MBAs. Continue reading to hear about their perspective on the program!

Ally’s Experience with the Program

Ally Hiles, a third-year student at Grace College, is working towards her online master’s degree in business administration. Through the blended program at Grace, she will earn her bachelor’s in digital marketing and MBA in just three years. 

“Getting to earn both a bachelor’s and master’s degree at an accelerated pace has been such a blessing!” said Hiles. “It is a challenge to stay organized and focused on my school work, but I know it will be rewarding to graduate with both degrees from Grace.” 

Ally’s favorite part of the program is the Christian aspect integrated into each course.

“I enjoy reflecting on God’s Word and applying it to the topics covered in various assignments,” Hiles said. 

The majority of her professors assigned readings from Christian books along with their course textbooks.

Honorable Influence” by David Hagenbuch was the assigned reading in Hiles’ Marketing Management class. The book guides readers to be faithful and God-honoring in the marketing environment. Hiles appreciated the ethical insight and biblical application the book provided. 

“Understanding core business topics from a biblical worldview has prepared me to apply my faith to my future career,” said Hiles.

Marketing Management is one of Hiles’ favorite courses in the MBA program. 

“The course discussed many topics I am learning about in my undergraduate classes, which helped integrate my two degrees,” said Hiles. 

Due to the blended program at Grace, Hiles has gained three years to earn experience in the field using my online master’s degree in business administration. She plans to use her additional time out of college to explore possible business ventures and dive deeper into the marketing world. While she doesn’t yet know what career she wants to pursue, Hiles feels confident that the MBA program has equipped her to find the perfect job! 

Anna’s experience with the program

Anna Porritt is a third-year at Grace College who is also enrolled in the blended program. Like Hiles, Porritt will graduate with her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in three years due to the high number of credits she brought in her first year at Grace.

“I’m so thankful for the opportunity to pursue my master’s degree and graduate in only three years!” said Porritt. “It takes a lot of hard work and preparation before college, but it is so worth it.”

Because the degree is online, students have the freedom to choose where they study or work on homework. Rather than spending hours in a classroom, many students, like Porritt, prefer working in their favorite coffee shop or outdoor shaded area. 

“My favorite part of the program so far is earning my degree quickly and in a way that works with my schedule,” said Porritt. “I enjoy working on my courses at a park or coffee shop!” 

The online master’s degree in business administration prepares students for their future careers in leadership or management positions within the business world.

“The MBA taught me what it means to serve Christ in the workplace. I feel equipped to handle all aspects of business thanks to the variety of classes within the program,” said Porritt

Should I get an MBA?

Students earning their online master’s degree in business administration will unlock new career opportunities upon graduation. If you want to be a small business owner, a human resources manager, a marketing manager, a product manager — or if you want to pursue another business-related career — then earning an MBA might be a good decision for you. 

The online master’s degree in business administration comes with many benefits:

  • Countless study locations.
  • An affordable degree.
  • A flexible schedule.

So, to answer your question, “Should I get an MBA?” The answer is yes! 

Learn more about Grace’s online master’s degree in business administration program here, or visit this link to learn how you can earn your bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the same time!