24 Results for School of Arts and Humanities Reset filters
Assistant Professor of Worship Arts
Instructor of Art Integrations and Ceramics
Professor of American and World History; Program Director, History and Political Science
Instructor of Photographic Arts
Assistant Professor of Languages (Spanish)
Instructor of Political Science
Professor of Communication
Part-time Instructor of Music Theory, Piano and Voice
Part-Time Instructor of Spanish
Professor of European and World History; Pre-law Advisor; Director, Winona History Center
Instructor of Museum Studies
Professor of English
Interim Co-Dean School of Arts and Humanities; Chair, Department of Visual and Performing Arts; Professor of Visual Art and Design
Chair, Department of Humanities; Professor of English; Program Director, English and Journalism
Associate Professor of Languages (French); Director, Modern Languages Program; Director of the Institute for Global Studies
Dean of Academic Engagement and Success; Accreditation Liaison Officer; Associate Professor of French
Assistant Professor of World Literature
Instructor of Communication
Interim Co-Dean School of Arts and Humanities; Professor
Part-time Instructor of Percussion
Part-Time Instructor of Journalism
Assistant Professor of Visual Communication; Director, Media Arts Program
Part-time Instructor of Guitar
Associate Professor of Communication; Director, Theatre Program