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Sports Performance Camp

Sports Performance Camp

Human Performance Camp

Put yourself to the test in this traditional athletic combine event! The exercise science summer camp will engage campers by having them complete a 40-yard dash, bench press, vertical jump, and more.

  • Exercise science staff will evaluate your athletic movement and identify areas of potential growth and development
  • Receive a  take-home exercise regimen specific to your body and muscle needs to prevent future injuries and downtime
  • Experience higher education through lectures from sports and nutrition professionals

Campamento De Ciencias Del Ejercicio

Evento Combinado Con la Universidad

¡Ponte a prueba en este tradicional evento combinado atlético! El campamento de ciencias del ejercicio involucrará a los campistas al hacer que completen una carrera de 40 yardas, press de banca, salto vertical y más.

  • Aprenderán y recibirán un análisis de composición corporal, detección de movimiento funcional y participación directa con herramientas del oficio de la ciencia del ejercicio.
  • Asistiremos a una conferencias de profesionales del deporte.
  • Llevarán a casa una copia impresa profesional de los resultados de sus pruebas para presentar a sus entrenadores, entrenadores personales, etc.

Day Camp Details:

Dates Times Ages Cost
Session1 June 21 8 am - 3 pm 11-14 years $20
Grace College Exercise Science Summer Camps are the educational experience your kids need. Get hands-on experience in Winona Lake.
Grace College Exercise Science Summer Camps are the educational experience your kids need. Get hands-on experience in Winona Lake.
Grace College Exercise Science Summer Camps are the educational experience your kids need. Get hands-on experience in Winona Lake.
Grace College Exercise Science Summer Camps are the educational experience your kids need. Get hands-on experience in Winona Lake.
Grace College Exercise Science Summer Camps are the educational experience your kids need. Get hands-on experience in Winona Lake.
Grace College Academic Summer Camps are the educational summer camps experience your kids need. Get hands-On experience at our academic camps
Grace College Exercise Science Summer Camps are the educational experience your kids need. Get hands-on experience in Winona Lake.
Grace College Exercise Science Summer Camps are the educational experience your kids need. Get hands-on experience in Winona Lake.
Grace College Exercise Science Summer Camps are the educational experience your kids need. Get hands-on experience in Winona Lake.
Grace College Exercise Science Summer Camps are the educational experience your kids need. Get hands-on experience in Winona Lake.
Grace College Exercise Science Summer Camps are the educational experience your kids need. Get hands-on experience in Winona Lake.
Grace College Exercise Science Summer Camps are the educational experience your kids need. Get hands-on experience in Winona Lake.