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Grace College’s master’s degree in mental health counseling, a supportive, Christ-centered community essential to learn and minister well.
November 19, 2024

Created for Community: Preethi Presannan’s Story

By Maria Ignas (BA 25)

For Preethi Presannan, meaningful education is about so much more than textbooks and assignments. While completing Grace College’s master’s degree in mental health counseling, she discovered that a supportive, Christ-centered community is essential to learn and minister well.

While searching for a faith-based graduate counseling program, Presannan found Grace’s master’s in clinical mental health counseling and was impressed at how authentic the school seemed. After meeting faculty during an interview, she enrolled for the 2023-2024 school year.

Before beginning her online classes, Presannan flew out to Winona Lake for residency, a week-long program where students participate in counselor preparation and training, evaluation in skill development, and spiritual growth activities.

Upon arriving, she was astounded by how different the community was from that in New York.

“I’m used to a lot of less faith in the area I’m in,” said Presannan. “Even though they were strangers, it was easier to connect at Grace because they all had a heart for God.”

Grace College’s master’s degree in mental health counseling, a supportive, Christ-centered community essential to learn and minister well.

Everyone worked toward the same goal: uniting Scripture with best practices in counseling. Presannan remembers watching mock therapy sessions and engaging with faculty about biblical counseling. The union of Scripture and counseling confirmed she was in the right place.

On the first night of residency, Presannan decided to order in for dinner because her roommates hadn’t arrived. Hearing a knock on the door, she opened it to a woman named Sam, who invited her to get dinner with her and a group of students.

“From there, the friendship blossomed,” said Presannan. “We always talk about that night when she knocked on my door. I’m so grateful she did because I wouldn’t have asked anyone.”

Having flown in from New York, she was nervous about accessing transportation, but she remembers an outpouring of students offering rides.

“When someone offers a favor, they’re extending grace to someone afraid to ask,” said Presannan. “It was really nice to have people support me in that way and not to feel like it was a burden.”

This past residency, Presannan gave a speech on behalf of the second-year students. She shared about the healing she needed to receive from God to perform counseling well. Many students thanked her afterward, telling her the speech resonated with them.

Presannan has met students from all over the country (and the world!) at Grace, but one special connection lands close to home — literally. Presannan met one woman after her speech who seemed familiar, but she couldn’t imagine from where.

The next morning, Presannan spotted that same familiar face on her church’s social media. She realized they both unknowingly attended the same church in New York.

“That’s such a God thing, bringing people into your life in different ways,” said Presannan. “We recently caught up for coffee and discussed the program, our families, and counseling. I’m so glad she’s completing this program in New York because there’s so many things we can unpack and talk about together.”

As Presannan reflects on the community she found at Grace, she realizes it’s been crucial to God’s work in her heart. She’s back in New York completing the course’s online classes, but she still enjoys the fruit of communion with other Christ-followers.

“Residency made me realize I do like being around people, especially people of God,” said Presannan. “That tug at my heart was enough for me to see I’m shifting.”

At Grace College, we know you were created for more than shallow relationships, a tolerable job, and weeks spent scraping by. You were created for community, knowledge, and eternal impact. You were created for more. Our mission is to help you discover what “more” looks like for you.

To learn more about Grace College, watch this video.