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September 22, 2022

Grace College Outdoors Club To Hold Night Bike Ride

The Grace College Outdoors Club will hold a Nocturnal bike ride around Warsaw and Winona Lake on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. The event is for all ages and open to the public. All donations from the event will be given to a community member or family in need.

“It’s all about loving our neighbors,” says Matt Metzger, one of the event directors. “People will even come out on their porches to cheer us along as we pass by. The way the community gets together to help someone in need, you can’t duplicate that experience.”

A police escort will temporarily block off streets for participants to bike together around Warsaw and Winona Lake. Grace Outdoors is thankful for Captain Beam and the volunteers from the Warsaw Police Department for making the event possible.

Event participants are encouraged to decorate their bikes and clothes with glow sticks, reflectors and lights. Event directors Matt and Shelly Metzger invite all to attend, regardless of skill or interest level.

“This is a time for everyone to have fun together, no matter who they are or where they’re from,” Matt Metzger says. “We welcome everyone who wants to come out and help someone in need.”

Grace Outdoors is partnering with Boundless, an organization started by Shelly Metzger and others in the recovery community that offers a safe, interactive social environment to the recovery community.

The ride will start and end at the Gordon Health and Wellness Center, 100 Publishers Dr., Winona Lake, with a stop in the middle to deliver the donation to the chosen person or family. There will also be more than $500 worth of prizes given away to participants at the end of the ride.

To sign up for the event, visit For questions or more information, email