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April 23, 2020

How do I Choose a School for my Math or Science Degree?

Are you excited by numbers? Enthralled by scientific reasoning? Fascinated by orthopaedics?

If you want to pursue a career in math or science, you’re going to need a quality education at a resourceful school that can set you up for success in the real world. If you’re searching for a school to grow your mind in the ways of Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, or Biology, we’ve constructed an equation to help you solve one of the most important problems:

A variety of majors led by experienced researchers + Science-Based Community + Real-World Practice = The best school for your math or science degree.

A Variety of Majors Led by Experienced Researchers

The departments of science and math hold a wide range of majors that lead to diverse career paths and endless possibilities. From Actuarial Science to Chemistry to Math Education, each major holds different experiences for its students. The Health Science major at Grace College alone has 11 different concentrations for you to choose from. When looking for a math or science school, consider the array of majors and programs that it provides.

Another important part of a program is its professors. Look for schools with professors that you can have conversations with before you even register, professors who are experienced in their fields and passionate about mentoring their students.

At Grace College, our math and science programs are led by skillful professors, researchers, and scholars who have worked diligently. Our faculty has paved the way for you to learn, grow, and create connections that count. When you look at our math and science majors, you’ll find that Grace is large enough to have majors geared toward your specific interests but small enough to make your education personal to you, your strengths, and your goals.

One professor dedicated to this vision is Christi Walters, who is dedicated to leading and expanding the exercise science program through lab-based learning.

“The Science and Math Departments are focused on getting students into hands-on learning. Exercise Science specifically is headed down the path of lab-based learning. Our goal is that the students have a lab that drives the learning experience. This is a perfect marriage of scholarly learning with skill development,” Walters said.

To learn more about our faculty and to discover what Grace has to offer to your math or science education, visit these pages:

Faculty Directory

Grace College & Seminary Welcomes Four New Faculty Members

Science-Based Community

The next part of the equation is an essential link between your prospective college and the community that surrounds it. It’s important to live in a place that is thriving with like-minded people and organizations you can collaborate with. Once you find a school with a strong community behind it, walk through the doors that open up to you. It will make all the difference to be supported by a community that values math and science just as much as you do.

Grace College is located in Winona Lake, Indiana. We are fortunate to have many different partnerships and opportunities in the rich learning community that surrounds us. The Lilly Center for Lakes and Streams at Grace College works to make the freshwater lakes and streams in the community clean and beautiful. It also strives to provide opportunities for students through employment in three different teams: education, research, and aquarium. By working on these teams, students are able to network with local organizations and lake residents because of the organization’s county-wide impact.

We take pride in our community. In fact, Warsaw is the Orthopedic Capital of the world and Grace College is connected to many of the manufacturing companies in the area. Our engineering students benefit greatly from partnerships with these businesses that make events like Engineering Camp possible.

Whether you’re a math major taking a study break Euchre Night or you’re testing the water at the Fort Wayne Zoo, find a school where you can get connected! The community should always be a factor in this equation.

Real-World Practice

One thing true to any science or math field is this: you’ll need practice. As you search for a school, look for real-life experiences in your career. If you want to go to graduate school, find a program that guides you through the application process and prepares you to be successful in rigorous programs.

This is one of our goals at Grace College. Many graduates have reported that they are properly prepared for graduate school because of their training at Grace. One graduate student took advantage of Grace’s science-based community and it led him to a career as a Bioprocess Technician. Students at Grace have the opportunity to conduct their own research, utilize the new labs at the Science Complex, and find solutions to real-world problems.

At Grace, we have a long list of real-world applications for students. Here are just a few:

When you’ve finished your research, get excited about the coming years! Choosing a math or science school is difficult, but if you follow this equation, you have four unforgettable years ahead of you. And don’t forget:

A variety of majors led by experienced researchers + Science-Based Community + Real-World Practice = The best school for your math or science degree.

Are you a math or science major interested in what Grace has to offer? Apply today!

Math or Science Degree at Grace College
Math or Science Degree at Grace College
Grace College School of Arts & Sciences, Department of Science and Mathematics
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Choosing an undergraduate major can be overwhelming. With our 90+ majors and minors, you will find a degree that meets your niche interests. Choose Grace.
Mechanical Engineering Degree at Grace College
Learn about Student Resources, including the Grace library for academic resources. We offer academic program assistance. Find your way at Grace.
Math or Science Degree at Grace College