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25 Results

Creighton Brothers Establishes Endowed Directorship at the Lilly Center
Creighton Brothers established an endowed fund at the Lilly Center for Lakes & Streams to ensure stable and excellent leadership at the Lilly Center for decades to come. “Hard work and innovation are the connection between Creighton Brothers and the Lilly Center,” said Drew Flamm, Grace College president. “They both [...]

Why Grace is the Best College for Environmental Science
Discover the best college for environmental science. With the Lilly Center, Grace College is a top school for environmental science. Christian colleges with environmental science majors

HLC Comprehensive Evaluation
On February 27-28, 2023, Grace hosted the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Peer Review Team on campus for a mid-cycle Comprehensive Evaluation Site Visit as part of the Standard Pathway accreditation process with HLC. The purpose of the visit was to ensure that Grace was meeting the Criteria for Accreditation [...]

Grace College Recognized as a Tree Campus by the Arbor Day Foundation
Thanks to efforts by a student-led environmental club, Grace College received its designation as a Tree Campus by the Arbor Day Foundation. Since 2008, the Arbor Day Foundation has recognized more than 400 university and college campuses as Tree Campuses. Grace College joins 16 other Tree Campuses in Indiana, including [...]

Grace College Environmental Biology Student Awarded Alpha Chi National Scholarship
Grace College environmental biology major and Warsaw native Joshua Fisher recently won the $2,000 Alfred H. Nolle Scholarship through the Alpha Chi National Honor Society. Only eight such scholarships are awarded each year to students from a pool of nearly 300 Alpha Chi chapters across the United States. “These are very competitive [...]

Grace College Introduces Novel “Eco-Art” Major
Combine your interest in art and science with the Eco-Art Degree at Grace College, where your creativity meets nature. Discover our Eco-Art Degree!