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Public Health Minor

With a Public Health Minor at Grace College, future clinicians and administrators will explore the core drivers of public health. As you consider an array of colleges with health degrees near you in the Midwest, be assured that when you find your way to Winona Lake, Indiana, you will discover a top college for public health with a biblical worldview.

A Grace College Public Health minor will equip students with the ability to influence the best health outcomes for the communities they serve. This minor will provide students with a fundamental understanding of key determinants of health. Students will learn the core concepts of epidemiology and practice evidence-based thinking. This public health degree is offered in partnership with RIZE, an online consortium that allows Grace College to broaden its course offerings. Grace picks and chooses courses from RIZE that allow us to create new majors, to maximize flexibility, and to leverage the existing strengths on our campus. The public health degree requires two online classes offered through RIZE.

This program is for you if you are serious about gaining knowledge and skills in the complete health of communities and want to become a leader in the public healthcare space while living out the unifying belief that it is better to serve others before ourselves.

Future Public Health worker, the way forward is Grace.

Public Health is a Good Fit for Those Who Are:

  • Relational
  • Critical Thinker
  • Compassionate
  • Good Communicator
  • Problem Solver
  • Conscientious

Featured Staff

Cliffton Staton Director, School of Arts and Sciences Partnership Programs; Instructor of Communication

Cliff Staton, M.A.

Director, Partnership Programs; Instructor of Communication

the grade received from for our top-rated Winona Lake community


hands-on learning opportunities on campus and in the community



Student talking to professor outside

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Our faculty and staff are expertly skilled in their fields and they care about your goals, future, and well being.

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A Music Arts Minor from Grace College equips students through the study of music to lead worship. Learn about our music arts school.

Education with a Biblical Worldview

At the heart of a Grace education are academically challenging courses that are specifically designed to foster a thirst for character, competence, and service within the hearts and minds of our students.

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“Learning the sciences from a Christian perspective is invaluable. Grace's sciences shine as a beautiful light in the otherwise atheistic world of science. I appreciate the brilliant, godly, and caring faculty who set aside countless hours to help their students inside and outside of the classroom.”

Jonathan Biller, Grace College Student

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