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495 Results

Academic Schools & Departments
Grace College Academic Schools offer Christian Undergraduate Degrees, School of Arts and Sciences, Undergraduate business schools and more...

Academic Catalog
The Academic Catalog has all the information you need to learn about all the degree programs and academics that make up Grace College.

Institute for Global Studies
Grace offers many different global opportunities spanning from short term trips to study abroad options!

Housing Forms / Application
Get your Housing Forms/Applications here. Fill out your New Studnet Housing form or Special Condition Housing Form.

Bible Translation
A Biblical Translation degree at Grace College prepares Bible translators to share with the nations. Learn about our Bible Translation Major!

Darrell L. Johnson, M.A., Ed.D.
Darrell Johnson: Professor of Sport Management. Learn more about Professor Johnson!

Laurie A. Owen, Ph.D.
Laurinda Owen: Dean, School of Education; Professor of Education. Learn more about Laurie A. Owen, Ph.D.

Lauren G. Rich, Ph.D.
Lauren Rich: Chair, Department of Languages, Literature and Communication; Assistant Professor of English. Learn more about Professor Rich!

Kim M. Reiff, Ph.D., M.F.A., M.B.A.
Kim Rieff: Chair, Department of Visual, Performing and Media Arts; Associate Professor of Visual Art and Design. Learn more about Professor Reiff!

Kevin Roberts, M.A., Psy.D., LMHC, LCAC
Kevin Roberts: Chair, Department of Behavioral Science; Professor of Behavioral Science. Learn more about Professor Roberts!