What prompted you to move to Taiwan, and what did your time there entail?
J: We moved to Taiwan as missionaries with Send International teaching at an international Christian school called Morrison Academy. We had both been interested in going into missions for quite some time. So, over Warsaw’s fall break, we decided to go to Grace’s Conference on Missions week. We talked to several of the mission agencies that were there, and we found that there is a huge need for educators on the mission field. Many missionaries struggle to find good education for their children while overseas, and so they end up leaving before they can really do any work.
G: I taught English, Bible, and theatre, and Jon taught high school and middle school math, physical science, physics, and robotics. We both coached a lot of sports as well. It was a small school, so it was easier to plug in and build relationships pretty quickly in a lot of different areas.
J: As teachers, we were able to be their teachers, disciplers, coaches, cheerleaders, counselors, and friends.
G: We went in with the plan to be “missionaries to the missionaries.” But many of our students at Morrison were not Christians, and so we ended up being evangelists as well. Day by day, we were able to show our students the lives of Christians. And many kids do come to know the Lord. He’s using Morrison for his glory.