Last, but certainly not least, a program’s greatest litmus test is the success of its graduates. Are the alumni competent, confident and skilled individuals who are living lives of purpose? This question is everything.
If we listed all of our psychology and behavioral sciences graduates who are living impactful lives, the list would be endless! So here are two recent stories of graduates that blew us away!
Captain Joel Beam was a criminal justice major at Grace. Now he is a police officer in the Warsaw Police Department, and he believes he is called to do the biblical work of law enforcement. Every day, Joel prays for renewed strength on the job and seeks to make a positive difference in our community.
Drew Miller got two of his three counseling degrees at Grace College. After he completed his doctorate, he went on to start his own counseling practice where he takes pride in offering quality counseling to clients and making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals.
So there you have it! No two schools are alike, but when it comes to finding a college with an unwavering commitment to behavioral science through the lens of Scripture, Grace is unparalleled. For more information click here!